Yesterday the EPA announced that it is planning to take 31 actions to roll back standards and rules that PROTECT

Despite news that 2024 was the hottest year ever, and it followed 2023 which was also the hottest year on

USRTK has a news report about a new study that shows that PM2.5 damages children’s IQ, even at levels previously

Today we’re talking about several published studies of real-life examples of how cleaning up air pollution made big differences in

A new study was published in Environmental Health Perspectives, where researchers from multiple universities studied people in the U.K. who

In the past year, 2 studies have been published that show that cleaner school buses improve students’ health and academic

Last winter and spring, EPA issued final rules for new standards for air pollution and greenhouse gases (GHG). All of

Blue Bird bus maker is building a 600,000 square-foot, 400-worker factory will be built to produce electric school buses in Fort Valley,

A recent study in JAMA Network Open looked at air and noise pollution exposure from prenatal exposure to age 12

Look what happens when we clean up the air – people are healthier! Today we made a list of studies

Kristina Marusic reports in Environmental Health News about a new study that shows an 83% reduction in PM2.5 (fine particle

This is a list of all the county school districts and 1 charter school that have gotten EPA funding in

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday which counties that were awarded funding for electric school buses (ESB) under the
This is an article in the the Georgia Recorder that Mothers & Others For Clean Air medical advisor Dr. Anne

In the last few months, EPA has finalized many rules that will help us be healthy and thrive by cleaning

Today EPA announced 4 new or updated rules to protect our health. Four!! We’re so excited thinking about all the

WABE and Grist are doing a series of stories about the Public Service Commission (PSC), the PSC’s mission, and what
A new study from Harvard and some other universities looking at worker’s cognitive performance found that they had the best

The Guardian has a news article about a ruling today from the European Court of Human Rights. The court found

In the fall of 2023, Georgia submitted a new off-cycle Integrated Resource Plan. They say this is because of unexpected

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced the new particulate matter (PM, sometimes thought of as soot) standards today. They lowered

A new study from Canada has found that prenatal exposure to PM2.5 increases the chance of severe respiratory distress in

EPA recently announced the school districts that were awarded electric school buses in the 2023 round of school bus funding

Have you heard people making comments about Mother Nature being drunk, because of bitter cold being followed by unseasonably warm

On Saturday 12/2 VP Harris announced EPA’s new methane reduction rule, and it’s very strong. This is the actual final

EPA has many proposals about clean air standards that are open for public comment right now. This is where you

Today, EPA held a hearing on its proposal to strengthen the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. These standards were established

Today, Mothers & Others’ Dr. Anne spoke at a hearing about an EPA proposal to strengthen greenhouse gas emissions. Stronger

Michigan Public Radio reported a story on a new study conducted by the University of Michigan. The researchers found that
Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Dr. Anne had an article published in the Georgia Recorder recently. It was about

This week, the EPA is holding 3 days of hearings about a proposed strengthening of the particulate matter standard. EPA

We Act for Environmental Justice did a pilot in a NYC Housing Authority Building. They replaced the gas stoves in
Here is some information about methane (“natural” gas) we made with our partners from USCAN, as the Breathe Again Collaborative:

EPA has a proposed rule to reduce methane leaks and capture wasted gas instead of flaring it. It is a

EPA is holding 3 days of hearings on its proposed rule to reduce methane leaks from production sites. Mothers &

A recent study shows that long term exposure to PM2.5 increases risk for being diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

The EPA’s proposed methane rule has been published in the Federal Register, and now the online comment website is finally

Amudalat Ajasa at the Washington Post reports on a new study that looks at the effect of air pollution on

A recent study of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL, the most common childhood leukemia) found that young children who live within

Disability Scoop reports on a study in the BMJ Open that shows that spikes in air pollution lead to increased

Health Day reports on a new study of covid infection and air pollution, which shows that people who live in

A recent study presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology shows that prenatal exposure to 2 kinds of air

Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) and almost 200 other health and medical groups issued a letter calling for a

Today is International Clean Air For Blue Skies Day. Today we acknowledge the health effects of air pollution, how burning

Researchers from several countries collaborated on a new study of night-time heat, and how increasing temperatures from a changing climate

Teachers in Columbus OH are on strike, and the first item on their list of demands is guaranteed air conditioning

The EPA is funding school districts to buy clean school buses, including EV school buses. There is money each year

A recent article by researchers at Columbia University that is published in the New England Journal of Medicine highlights how

A new study in Environmental Health Studies found that children in Mongolia had better IQ test scores at age 4

Yesterday, Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong spoke at an EPA hearing on California’s 3 requests for

A study of natural gas from gas stoves and outdoor gas appliances found that the natural gas contained toxic air

For years people in Black communities have been saying that they are dying at a higher rate, because their community

Darryl Fears at the Washington Post writes about newly released data from the San Francisco Bay area that shows much

A new study from the University of Wisconsin shows that getting rid of air pollution could save 53,200 lives each

May is Clean Air Month, and in recognition of that Governor Kemp signed a proclamation declaring that May is Clean

During Clean Air Month, you can do your part for cleaner air by asking EPA to make strong truck and

May is clean air month, and we start off the month with a great video from Ovie Mughelli and his

In April, Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Dr Anne Mellinger-Birdsong spoke at an EPA hearing about a proposed rule

Friends who live in Georgia, right now we have an opportunity to advocate for clean power. Every 3 years, Georgia

Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong spoke at today’s EPA hearing about stronger vehicle emission standards for

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said yesterday that average global methane levels in the atmosphere set another record

Air Quality News and CNET both have reports about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released today, April

Due to the global energy crisis triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has a

There are a lot of recent studies about how air pollution can affect mental health – this is a huge

Two recent news articles talk about cities experimenting with free transit. Denver7 talks about Boston, Chapel Hill, Missoula, and Olympia

Darryl Fears from the Washington Post reports on a new study which shows that air pollution is worse in areas

Yesterday (2/28), the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released its latest report. It states that “Human -induced climate change

A recent study by researchers at Yale University in collaboration with researchers in China, has found that long-term exposure to

A new study from Stanford has found that gas stoves that burn methane gas (also called “natural” gas, a fossil

A new study from Harvard of people receiving Medicare shows increased deaths from annual (long-term) fine particle air pollution (PM2.5)

Last summer we wrote about how public comments for federal actions really make a difference, and how if you care

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released findings about climate and weather disasters for 2021 this week. Last year,

Medical Express reports about a new study in Lancet Planetary Health that shows that nitrogen dioxide (NO2) causes 1.85 million

A new study finds that when people are admitted to a hospital for Covid, those who live where there are

A new study has found that cleaner cars have led to almost 30,000 fewer deaths in 2017 compared to 2008

This is a study from a few years ago, but still valid and newsworthy today. Harvard Business Review talks with

Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong spoke yesterday (12/2/21) at the EPA hearing on a proposed methane

Here is something we can do right now to reduce the toll of Covid: clean up our air. Clean energy,

Researchers from Duke University, NASA, and Columbia University, looked at what would happen to health, the economy, and climate if

The Salt Lake Tribune reports on a new scientific study that found that there are more school absences the day

The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), a well-known international economic agency, has written several major reports about the

Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed new rule to make stronger standards for methane emissions, including monitoring

Yesterday, Oct. 28, EPA announced that it will reconsider the ozone standard from last year, which ignored new science about

The BBC reports about a survey of 10,000 young people in 10 different countries shows high level of stress and

Every comment you make on a proposed federal rule really makes a difference for health, for clean air, for climate

For the last 6 years, the Lancet medical journal has published the Lancet Countdown report on health and climate. This

The UN just released a report on the Health Argument for Climate Action. It states the next few years are

Air pollution has powerful effects on the economy. It reduces GDP, and costs us even more because of health care

In the health world, a code red in a hospital means a person is about to die. Nurses, doctors, and

Today is the last day to comment and ask for stronger vehicle emissions for a new proposed standard at EPA

Can you can really make a difference by submitting a public comment to an EPA proposed air pollution standard? Does
This OpEd, co-authored by Mothers & Others’ Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong and June Deen from the American Lung Association, appeared in

Yesterday, over 200 medical journals worldwide, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the British Medical Journal, and the Lancet,

A new study from Duke University found that people in North Carolina living in areas with the highest amount of

Researchers in London have linked higher levels of air pollution with more hospital admissions and higher use of community mental

A recent study found that hospitalizations for dementia among people in the Southeast receiving Medicare increased about 5% for every

A study published in Science Advances August 13 found that wildfire smoke was responsible for almost 20,000 more people getting

Yesterday the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released it’s most recent assessment of where we are, and where

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that both short and long term exposure

Dr. Sarah Spengeman and Dr. Neela Tummala write about a Clean Electricity Standard in The Hill, and why it’s good

A 2019 study from Harvard looked at hospital admissions linked to air pollution among people receiving Medicare in the Southeast

A new study published in Nature Communications found that fine particle air pollution (PM2.5) caused 4 to 6 million deaths
This is the article in the Georgia Recorder that Mothers & Others For Clean Air medical education advisor Dr. Anne

What is this wonky sounding thing, a Clean Energy Standard, and how does it affect health? A Clean Energy Standard

Right now, we can see that a changing climate is affecting our health. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

The Guardian reports about a draft of the upcoming IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report that was leaked this

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s (SCDHEC) has approved a permit for a developer to fill in

Dr. Jonathan Foley, executive director of Project Drawdown, wrote a good article about misleading climate pledges this week. He talks

Phoenix is experiencing several problems exacerbated by climate change all at the same time. They are having a record heatwave,

The US EPA is holding listening sessions this week on whether they should develop a methane rule. Our Medical Education

Haze and air pollution negatively affects the air quality in national parks and wilderness areas across the nation – this

The Washington Post and many other news outlets report that yesterday, NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the

AL.com reports that the city of Mountain Park, AL, a suburb of Birmingham, is replacing its park maintenance equipment (trimmers,

You might think we’re so far away from California, with mountains, deserts, and miles of land in-between, that we wouldn’t

John Carey, an experienced science, health, and environmental reporter, has written an outstanding article full of information and hope in

May is Clean Air Month – we are highlighting different kinds of air pollution during Clean Air month. What is

Researchers from Mercer University and several other Universities recently published a review analysis of the effects of extreme weather events

The Guardian reports about a study from the U.K. that found that childhood and teen exposure to air pollution leads

Reuters reports on a new study in the journal Nature, which found that 13% or $8 billion of the $63

The Guardian and the New York Times report that the International Energy Agency has released a new report that says

The Washington Post reports on a new study that shows that air pollution from agricultural sources results in almost 18,000

May is Clean Air Month – we are highlighting different kinds of air pollution during Clean Air month. What is

A new study from public health researchers at Harvard found that as coal emissions decreased in the last decade, fine

May is Clean Air Month, and also includes World Asthma Day May 4. Why did May get chosen for Clean

There was a new study by Tessum et al published in Science Advances this week titled: PM2.5 polluters disproportionately and

With all the talk this week about Earth Day, the Climate Summit, and the administration’s new plans, you may want

Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education is remotely hosting its 3rd annual YEAH conference on April 21st, and new work

We are all concerned about climate change, which is already causing so many floods, wildfires, heat waves, droughts, and extreme

The Financial Times has a news article about NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) scientists who were part of a

Dr. Neelu Tummala wrote an editorial in The Hill about healthier air, and why doctors are advocating for electric vehicles

A new study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) shows increased deaths from cardiovascular (heart) and respiratory (lung) conditions on

On Thursday, Mothers & Others For Clean Air joined with several other groups and individuals filing a petition with the

A group of independent experts appointed by the UN Council on Human Rights has issued a report saying environmental racism

Many cities and counties across the country have pledged to go 100% clean energy by 2035. As part of that

CNN has an article about the heartbreaking difficulties residents in Texas are facing right now. People who are running out

A new study this week from Harvard and several other universities estimates that air pollution from burning of fossil fuels

Yesterday, Mothers & Others For Clean Air medical education adviser Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong testified at a state house subcommittee hearing

Air Quality News reports that four major cardiology associations have issued a joint statement that says the world needs urgent

You might not realize it when you park behind a bus or you watch your kids stand at their bus

Today, we have some really good news! The Hill reports that the EPA’s 2019 “Affordable Clean Energy” rule (ACE rule)

Dr. Marshall Shepherd, Professor and Director of the Atmospheric Sciences Program at the University of Georgia, writes in Forbes that

Today, the EPA announced that it finalized a rule keeping in place the current ozone standard, which clearly does not

There are quite a few clean energy and climate provisions in the COVID Relief Bill passed yesterday. This is smart,

CNN Business reports that the Rockefeller Foundation will sell its holdings and not make new investments in fossil fuels. The

Mothers & Others For Clean Air is one of over a hundred organizations calling for the incoming Biden-Harris administration to

Dr. Renee Salas and colleagues have written an article about including climate in health policy. They have some very specific

Reuters has done an analysis of air pollution data from EPA, and in some cases compared EPA data to data

Last week, the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change released its 2020 report. NPR has a story about the

A study from Barcelona that was published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2016, shows that children in schools with higher

The Washington Post reports that feeding cows a certain kind of seaweed could make them burp less methane. The seaweed

Hurricane Iota is the 30th named storm in the Atlantic this hurricane season. Yesterday, it became a category 5 hurricane

It is very clear that fossil fuels, which we burn for power and transportation, are killing us. This includes oil,

A new report on the State of Global Air from the Global Burden of Disease is out. It has determined

Singapore recently added 10 double-decker electric buses to its fleet, in addition to the 15 single-decker electric buses that have

A new study in Environmental Research Letters finds that when heatwaves are combined with higher air pollution, there are more

Photo by EcoLifeZone – Carbon Offsetting Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is

Dr. Aaron Bernstein, co-director of the Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School

A connection between air pollution and poor health is well-researched and well-understood, but a new study suggests that even our

Several studies have found a link between air pollution and severe health effects from COVID-19. In April we reported on

Phil Landrigan, Ari Bernstein, and Agnes Binagwaho wrote an article in Lancet Planetary Health about the opportunity for radical change

The Guardian reports on a new study where researchers examined the brains of children and young adults from Mexico City

Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

Connie Chang at Shondaland has written an article titled, “With Climate Change Affecting Air Pollution, What Can Parents Do to

Marshall Burke, an associate professor at Stanford, and his colleague Sam Heft-Neal estimate that one day of smoke from the
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

The American Lung Association (ALA) has a new report out about the health benefits and health cost savings of the

Kathryn Stevenson and the NC State Environmental Education Lab developed a curriculum about climate change for children that helps transcend

Tennessee Environmental Racism Blog Post Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an

This summer Katie Matuska, Mothers & Others For Clean Air’s Research Associate, is experiencing first hand the effects of the
Virginia Environmental Racism Blog Post Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an

The New York Times, and others, report that a new report from the Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC) released Sept

NOLA.com reports that over a hundred thousand people are still without power due to Hurricane Laura, and many homes have

Scientists from Yale conducted a study of air pollution coming from asphalt. The Guardian reports that the study found that

Today, 8/31, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held the first day of a 2-day hearing on the proposed new ozone
Insider NJ reports that yesterday, Aug. 27, The New Jersey Assembly and Senate passed a bill that allows the state
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

The Guardian published a report about how the “natural” gas industry is fighting local efforts to reduce “natural” gas use
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

CalFire has told all residents in the entire state to be “ready to go”: park with their car facing out
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

The Los Angeles Times reports that Department of the Interior announced plans today (Aug 17) to sell leases in the

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced late yesterday (8/13) that it is rolling back protections for methane. Despite EPA having
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

The global pandemic has had dramatic short-term effects on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions around the world. However, the
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

A new study shows that fighting climate change also improves children’s health by lowering air pollution. The health benefits showed

Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong, medical education advisor to Mothers and Others For Clean Air, submitted comments to the EPA about the
In a few days both federal relief payments and moratoriums on utility shutoffs end. Right now is the hottest two
Mothers & Others For Clean Air deeply believes that access to clean air is an inherent human right. We acknowledge

The Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General announced yesterday that it will evaluate the process and actions

A recent study conducted in Los Angeles found that women with higher exposure to ultrafine particles from airplanes were more

A new study was published in Reviews of Geophysics, determining how much climate warming will happen if carbon dioxide (CO2)

A recent study by Claudia Persico and Kathryn Johnson from American University found that EPA rollbacks led to large increases

Transport Topics reports that earlier this week, 15 states including North Carolina in the Southeast signed a Memorandum of Understanding

The New England Journal of Medicine has an article today discussing the interaction of the climate crisis and the covid

The Southwest has been experiencing a heat wave for several days. The heat wave is expected to extend into Mississippi,

Energy News Network has an article about a plan to turn reclaimed land from coal mines into solar farms, to

Megan Rowling at Reuters wrote a news story about a new report from CARE International. The CARE report shows that

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 2, the Moving Forward Act. This bill would help stimulate recovery

Did you know that in addition to being less expensive to operate, electric vehicles (EVs) are good for our health?

Today a federal court ordered the company that owns the Dakota Access Pipeline to shut down the pipeline and drain

Beth Gardiner wrote a report in Yale Environment 360 about industries that are getting financial or regulatory relief from pandemic

WABE aired a report on air pollution in Atlanta during the COVID shutdown. They interviewed Dr. Christina Fuller from Georgia

Today is the last day to comment on the EPA proposal to not change the particulate standards. If you have

A little over a month ago, EPA held virtual public hearings on its proposed rule to NOT change the particulate

The Sahara dust cloud reaching the US today could cause unhealthy air in the southeast. It is already causing particulate

The Southern Economic Advancement Project has released a report on “State and Local Policies for the South.” In an article

The EPA has decided that it is acceptable to leave the standards for particulate matter as they are, and not

WHYY reports that legislators in New Jersey have introduced a bill that requires applicants for environmental permits to include an

The New York Times reports on a study of ozone, fine particulates (PM2.5) and heat, and pregnancy and birth outcomes

The Telegraph has an article about subsidies for biomass plants in the U.K. Did you know that much of the

Maanvi Singh wrote an article in the Guardian about cities, counties, and states declaring that racism is a public health

There was a project in Los Angeles recently, to involve young people in participatory science, wearing air monitors to measure

The 2035 Project at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley published a report last week on how

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published a 3 page article on June 10 condemning EPA’s proposal to not

A study last year by Adwoa Commodore and colleagues at Medical University of South Carolina showed that people with more

The Hill has a report about an executive order President Trump signed last week. The order allows federal agencies to

An article in the Boston Globe yesterday has the title “A Clean Transportation System is the Prescription My Patients Need.”

Particle pollution, also called particulate matter, is small bits of soot, dust, metals, chemicals, or droplets that float (stay suspended)

Yesterday and today, the EPA held hearings on its proposed rule to leave standards for particle pollution unchanged. There will

NPR did an analysis of ozone this spring compared to spring ozone for the last 5 years, and found that

Environmental Health News reports on a new study from researchers at Cornell that shows that methane leaks from fracking in

Dr. Gaurab Basu from Harvard Medical School and the Cambridge Health Alliance Center for Health Equity Education & Advocacy has

Dr. Robert Bullard did an interview with Texas Monthly about racial disparities in COVID-19 and environmental exposures, and how the

The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) is reporting that data from the U.S Energy Information Administration shows

A new economic study in the Oxford Economic Review shows that a green COVID-19 recovery packages will boost economic growth

A study published in the journal Environment International shows that children born to women who are exposed to higher levels

The Daily Climate reports about a study in Nature Energy that shows that when coal-fired power plants have emissions controls

Despite reams of evidence since the last update in the standards for fine particle air pollution (PM2.5), EPA announced last

Environmental Health Perspectives has a new article about the toxic contents of e-cigarette “smoke.” This is not just a concern

Our Co-Founder Laura Turner Seydel was honored to join so many amazing environmental and justice advocates participating in Earth X

A new analysis shows that solar and wind energy are less expensive than oil and gas for about 2/3 of

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been in a frenzy lately to revise or rollback existing rules that protect our

Many cities in the Southeast have seen an improvement in air quality in the last 25 years. This is thanks

The Hill reports about a new study that has linked high levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with deaths from COVID-19
On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day and as we find ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic, we

NPR has a report today on the American Lung Association’s (ALA) 21st annual State of the Air report. For decades,
On April 16, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a new rule that declares it not “appropriate and necessary” to

There is a good article in The Hill about what can we learn from COVID-19 and Climate Change about saving

Children with asthma are more at risk from both air pollution and viral infections including COVID-19. Air pollution damages children’s

Heated World has a podcast of a 30 minute interview with Dr. Aaron Bernstein about fighting climate change to prevent

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has a good post on their Strong4Life site. It’s about COVID, children, and grief. It talks

An article in Fast Company talks about growing your own food during the COVID-19 emergency. Growing your own food during

The New York Times reports on a study from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, which shows that counties

Lawrence Torcello and Michael E. Mann wrote an article in Newsweek titled “Seeing the COVID-19 Crisis Is Like Watching a

Inger Andersen, the head of the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) wrote a new editorial, cautioning us that the positive impacts

The Earth Day Network has an excellent blog about the 6 lessons that the coronavirus epidemic can teach us. The

The New York Times has an article that describes how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pushing ahead with many

Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rollback of auto emissions standards. Elaine Chao, the Secretary of Transportation, issued

Solve Climate by 2030, and the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, are hosting a virtual teach-in next Tuesday, April 7,

The international response to coronavirus shows that the world can mobilize for an imminent threat. The Los Angeles Times interviewed

Please call your senators, your representative, your governor, and other city and county officials. Keep calling them, over and over

In the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, while people are self isolating and social distancing, and while scientists are busy

Mary Annaise Heglar has written a very thoughtful piece in the New Republic, titled “What Climate Grief Taught Me About

The New York Times has an article with maps of 3 cities showing satellite measurements of air pollution from a

We are printing a list of coronavirus information from state health departments in the Southeast. In addition to the state

Mothers & Others For Clean Air joined a wide-range of organizations calling for urgent government action to address electric

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has a good post on their Strong 4 Life website about talking to children about coronavirus

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a webpage with helpful information for parents about the novel coronavirus. The topics

There are quite a few studies that show air pollution increases the risk of getting viral infections. This study from

If you are looking for something to do while at home social distancing, the DC Environmental Film Festival is streaming

The Energy and Policy Institute is keeping a list of energy utilities that won’t disconnect people during the COVID19 pandemic

It seems a bit off kilter to be writing about climate while many states and the federal government are declaring

In October 2018, Governor Cooper of North Carolina signed Executive Order 80 (https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/climate-change/EO80–NC-s-Commitment-to-Address-Climate-Change—Transition-to-a-Clean-Energy-Economy.pdf), to address climate change and transition to

The NRDC is reporting that yesterday, Governor Brown in Oregon signed a major executive order about climate change for the

Inside Climate News has a report on last week’s release of 2019 energy production data from the U.S. Energy Information

NASA satellites can measure nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air all over the world. Every year they show a decrease

Children do not choose where they live, where they go to school, or whether the air they breathe is clean

A new study in the journal Nature, by researchers from MIT, has found that many deaths caused by air pollution

A new study in Environmental Health Perspectives shows the benefits of “green” buildings. Researchers studied people working in an office

The Guardian is reporting about a leaked report from the investment firm JPMorgan Chase, which warns its clients that climate

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has a new blog about an EPA proposed rule revision (loophole) to the Mercury and

Recently, Mothers & Others For Clean Air co-founder, Laura Turner Seydel, had the opportunity to travel to D.C with her

A new study in the journal Nature shows that methane emissions from fossil fuel production are higher than scientists previously

Environment Georgia did an analysis of colleges and universities to see what they are doing to use more renewable energy

The University of Georgia has announced plans to buy 25 more electric buses, to add to the 8 they already

A new study has found changes in the microstructure of white matter of children age 9-12y based on prenatal or

Union of Concerned Scientists has analyzed electric vehicles (EVs) and power plant sources for producing electricity, and determined that EVs

Climate change is happening here and now, it is not something to think about for only the far future. It

Many climate scientists note that talking about climate is one of the best things we can do to help deal

A new study in British Medical Journal found that every for every increase in daily (8 hr) ozone of 10µg/m3,

The Guardian has an article about climate change and mental health. News of climate related impacts, and news about climate

Severe storms brought strong winds and 3-5″ of rain to North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and other southern states. There was

This article in CityMetric explains how and why air pollution affects mental health. We have studies that show that air

This is a great podcast by Dr. Aparna Boles, a pediatrician who is chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Climate for Health has published a guide, Moving Forward, for health professionals who want to take action about climate change

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe often says the most important thing we can do about climate change is to talk about it

This is a good editorial by our partner, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/01/27/energy-efficiency-common-sense-way-slow-climate-change-column/2821219001/ Energy Efficiency is one of

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently summarized a Lancet report about children, health, and climate change. The final summary:

A new study in The Lancet Planetary Health journal shows that increases in daily fine particulate (PM2.5) air pollution cause

Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, retired senior pastor at Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, has written an important article about

This important article published 2 weeks ago shows that historical redlining is still having environmental effects that can affect people’s

A new study in Environmental Health Perspectives studies blood lead levels in women of childbearing age (15-49 years old) from

Plant With Purpose published a blog titled “Four things to remember when environmental issues seem overwhelming.” (Thanks to Katharine Hayhoe

The Council on Environmental Policy (CEQ) has issued a proposal to update and “modernize and clarify” the National Environmental Policy

NASA and NOAA announced yesterday that 2019 was the second hottest year ever recorded. The 5 hottest years ever recorded

BlackRock is the world’s largest investment company. It manages $7 trillion in assets. BlackRock’s CEO sent a letter yesterday to

A new paper documents that in 2019, the world’s oceans were the hottest ever, much hotter than the average for

As reported in Inside Climate News, Rhodium Group preliminary estimates for 2019 show that US emissions dropped. This is welcome

The New York Times has a brilliant opinion piece today by Emma Marris, titled “How to Stop Freaking Out and

The BBC has a series for children called Newsround, that talks about climate change. This post is about the most

A new study in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives finds that decreases in fine particulate (PM2.5) air pollution contributed to

A new study in the journal Nature shows that closing coal plants saves lives and increases crop yields nearby. This

A recent study of veterans and fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) found excess deaths from air pollution for 9 causes:

The Colorado Independent is reporting that yesterday the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission finished a 3-day series of hearings and

Australia set a new heat record for the second day in a row on Wednesday. The average high temperature for

The Guardian News is reporting that today, the Bank of England announced that it will test insurers and financial institutions

Wireless charging can extend the range of EV buses. Then the buses can do a longer route and cities don’t

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has started a blog series about what it’s like to own an EV. Starting

The New York Times has an article that shows photos of fugitive methane and other emissions at oil and gas

A study in the journal Environmental Science and Technology examines exposure and mortality by race and income all across the

Time Magazine has named Greta Thunberg, the 16yo climate activist from Sweden, as Person of the Year. This article talks

This article in New Scientist reviews the health benefits that happen quickly, within a week or few weeks, when air

A new study from Sweden published in BMJ Open has found that children who live in areas with more nitrogen

Mothers & Others For Clean Air is proud to stand alongside parents from 228 parent-climate groups from 28 countries that

This article in Bloomberg News is a good summary of recent research showing new ways fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5)

EPA awarded $20,000 to replace an old, polluting, school bus in Durham NC with a newer less polluting bus. This

A new study from Harvard found increased hospital admissions in Medicare recipients with fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) at levels

This article in the Philadephia Inquirer has a good description of how climate change affects us, from air pollution to

The U.N. World Meteorological Organization, part of the U.N. Environment Programme, released a report earlier today, stating that the 1.5C

Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) published a study last week that showed that both memory loss and

A study from Georgia State University found that retrofitting diesel school buses to reduce emissions improves students’ health and test

A new poll has found that 64% of voters in Georgia support government action on climate change, and 68-70% think

A new study in Spain has linked prenatal exposure to air pollution with brain changes in 8-12 year old children:

The Nature Conservancy has partnered with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies to create a virtual reality experience of sea

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has updated its website with a position supporting U.S. participation in the Paris Agreement. “Greater

The medical journal The Lancet released its annual report on climate change yesterday. It found: Climate change will

Venice is experiencing the highest tide it has had in over 50 years. It is one of the cities most

When you think about climate change, or about making a comment on the EPA methane rule weakening, remember that EPA

The EPA is proposing a new rule, supposedly about “Transparency”, that will severely limit any scientific studies it considers when

This article is about the rolling blackouts PG&E is using in California, trying to reduce liability for causing wildfires. Yet

Italy’s education minister, Lorenzo Fioramonti, said that starting with the next school year, all school children in Italy will spend

More than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries have signed a report called “World scientists’ warning of a climate emergency.” The

Congratulations to Atlanta, which through the Better Building Challenge, has cut energy use by 20% already, a year before they

NPR has published a podcast under their “Life Kit” series about how to talk to kids about climate change. (It

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the new Affordable “Clean” Energy (ACE) rule in June, which replaces the Clean Power

Professor Nicholas Sanders at Cornell has written a new article stating that the economic costs of air pollution itself must

The Governor of New Jersey signed an executive order today creating a new Climate and Flood Resilience Program in the

A new study from Georgia Institute of Technology examined the effects of rolling back air quality regulations on ozone. The

There has been a bipartisan House Climate Caucus for several years. Now two senators are starting a bipartisan Senate Climate


The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) published the findings of the Independent Particulate Matter Review Panel yesterday. The panel consists

Scholars at Harvard and George Mason Universities and the University of Bristol in Australia have published a new report about

Climate for Health published a blog that describes how using fossil fuels harms children’s brains and development. The harm starts

This is an excellent article on the accounting tricks the biomass industry uses to get its energy to be considered

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has prepared an information page about methane an how harmful it is to our air

A study conducted in Beijing found an increased risk of missed miscarriage, linked to several kinds of air pollution. (A

This is a one page article that summarizes the effects of diesel exhaust on school children. While it is an

The Guardian newspaper has published a set of 8 policy ideas that will help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels

The North Carolina Department of Transportation recently released a plan to increase the number of zero emission vehicles in the

This article from NRDC explains why building equity into climate and energy transition planning is important, and lays out several

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has a Municipal Policy Toolkit for cities or counties that want to encourage a

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed changing the 2012 and 2016 methane and volatile organic compounds standards in a

The Florida Sustainability Directors Network and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy conducted a webinar recently about Green Fleets and Fleet

The EPA is holding public hearings today in Arlington VA on a proposed revision to the 2015 Coal Ash Rules

A group of over 50 international financial institutions have pledged to reveal the carbon impact of their loans and investments,

This was announced last June, but it is still good news we all need to know. General Electric plans to

If you would like to read or watch a video of Greta Thunberg’s speech last week at the U.N. Climate

Hurricanes Irma and Michael devastated cotton, peanut, and pecan farmers by destroying crops and toppling trees. https://www.gpbnews.org/post/agriculture-commissioner-gary-black-hurricane-michael-destroyed-farms-lives-0 Hurricane Florence devastated

In keeping with this being the week of Climate Action, the global climate strikes, and the UN meeting on Climate,

This week the United Nations is holding a Climate Action Summit. It is time

The Global Climate Strike is this Friday, Sept. 20. Next week is a whole week of climate action. There is

Atlanta set 4 record high temperatures last week (Sept 10-13): 98 on Tuesday, 96 on Wednesday, 97 on Thursday, and

The American Lung Association (ALA) and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) are sponsoring 2 webinars on Sept. 24. The

Yesterday, the U.S. House passed 2 bills, HR 205 and HR1941, which block offshore drilling. One is for the Gulf

Island nations are bearing the brunt of intense hurricanes, and the hurricanes’ power is amplified by climate change. Yet these

Alexandria Villasenor is 14 years old, and she has made this video about climate change for other teens. It talks

A study conducted in Ontario has found an association between air pollution, stroke, and atrial fibrillation (a heart arrhythmia). The

North Carolina has proposed a plan to increase the number of EV’s in the state to 80,000 by 2025. Public

There is a webinar for parents on Sept. 10, about how they can support the student actions in Global Climate

There is a global student climate strike on September 27. There are other strikes and events happening every Friday, and

Starting at 5pm tonight, CNN is hosting a Climate Town Hall with Democratic candidates for the presidential election. Watch it

North Carolina has released a draft of its new energy plan, with an emphasis on renewables and transforming the grid

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday that is will propose a new rule to rescind the 2016 methane rule

Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen, has an ambitious goal to become carbon neutral by 2025. Here’s an article about how they’re planning
An opinion/editorial title “The Deadly Toll of Air Pollution” by Nicholas Bakalar in the New York Times yesterday starts with
If you did not get to attend the webinar on Extreme Heat today, it is now online and available for

Join SACE and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) for a webinar to discuss UCS’ new report, “Killer Heat in

Today, a federal appeals court upheld most of the 8-hour ozone standard set in 2015 by the EPA. This is

The New England Journal of Medicine has created a Climate Crisis page for physicians and other health practitioners

The Oxford GA City Council recently voted to remove fees for city electric utility customers who have rooftop solar on

A study being conducted in 6 countries in Europe (France, Spain, United Kingdome, Lithuania, Norway, and Greece), the HELIX Study, has

At its June meeting, the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted a policy to ensure that physicians and physicians-in-training have knowledge

A new study examined the effects of requiring more renewable energy production in Rust Belt states. Current levels average 13%

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) took an air sample at the south Dekalb air monitoring station in June, and

A study published yesterday in JAMA examined the relation between long term exposure to air pollution (ozone, particulate, nitrogen oxides,

This is good news for all of us: good for the economy in Quitman/Brooks County, less air pollution and better

Late last week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report about climate change, food, and human’s land use

India is adding almost 5600 electric buses to its fleet. This will save about 300 million gallons of fuel and

Scientists measuring average global temperature say that July was the hottest month ever recorded, hotter than the July 2016 which

Two studies from Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with other universities, were published recently in Environmental Health Perspectives and PLOS

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has released a new report titled “Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2019 Generation and

Bravo to North Carolina, which has joined a lawsuit along with Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Montana, asking the

The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) has a very helpful website about indoor air quality. It talks about possible sources

The Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) plan, recently finalized by the EPA, could increase air pollution in 16-20 states, including Georgia,

A study in the journal Atmospheric Environment found that replacing 17% of electricity generation with solar photovoltaic in the Eastern

Chubb, a U.S. insurer, announced it is phasing out insurance and investments in companies that have more than 30% of

Atlanta has passed a ban on smoking and vaping in restaurants, bars, and the airport. It is still allowed in

This is a really comprehensive summary of recent research on air pollution and its effect on brain function. It talks

EPA has several publications with lots of information about Indoor Air Quality. Indoor air can contain formaldehyde from furniture or

In April in the U.S., renewable energy sources produced more energy (68 MW) than coal (60 MW). Although this is

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed budget bills for the Departments of Commerce and Interior. The bill has several

On June 24, over 75 medical and health organizations issued a call for climate action and said equity must be

Did you know EPA has published a set of guidelines for school districts to use when planning new schools or

Today the EPA finalized the Affordable Clean Energy Rule, which replaces the Clean Power Plan (CNBC: EPA finalizes replacement of
A teacher in North Carolina is teaching her students about Climate Change, by focusing on solutions. They enter carbon reduction
Join Mothers and Others for Clean Air and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy as we present a webinar on Monday
Teens in New York are writing poems about Climate Change and reading them at a Climate Speaks event in New
Norway’s sovereign wealth fund will be disinvesting from fossil fuels, and will invest more directly in renewable energy. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jun/12/worlds-biggest-sovereign-wealth-fund-to-ditch-fossil-fuels
A recent study in the journal Environmental Research determined that exposure to course particles (PM10), fine particles (PM2.5), and ozone
Air pollution controls implemented under requirements of the Clean Air Act have prevented 55,000 emergency department visits from cardiorespiratory causes
Dr Shepherd explains new studies that show how hurricanes are changing. This is why we need to Act on Climate
A court hearing on the Juliana v. US climate change lawsuit was Tuesday June 4. The three judge panel heard
Enviva, which manufactures wood pellets from clear cutting forests, has entered a settlement agreement to reduce air pollution by at
David Satcher and Richard Carmona, two former surgeons general who served under very different presidents, have written an Op-Ed in
The air inside a school can have a real impact on health and children’s ability to learn. EPA has many
The New England Journal of Medicine has published an important article about Juliana et al vs. the United States. It
Atlanta City Councilperson Matt Westmoreland @WestmorelandATL has introduced a proposed ordinance to tighten the ban on indoor smoking and include

Mothers & Others For Clean Air provided advocacy training for healthcare professionals at Community Health Centers in west, middle and east North

Dr. Anne-Mellinger-Birdsong, as Interim Director, has generated many opinion editorials and letters to the editor over the past months covering the state.

Power plants are one of the largest sources of carbon pollution in the nation, which drives climate change. Clean Air supporters

This past year we have seen proposed federal action to roll back established national clean air standards. Now more than ever

Letter by Gerald Staton, MD, Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine and Yasmin Tyler-Hill, MD, Chair and Associate

Letters express opposition to H.R. 806, the “Smoggy Skies Act,” a harmful bill that would delay life-saving ozone standards.

Lung disease patient speaks to the need for healthy air and to protect the Clean Air Act.

Letter to AJC Editor by M&O Director Anne Mellinger-Birdsong argues leaving Paris accord major error for U.S.

Editorial in the Macon Telegraph notes air quality is improving as noted in the State of the Air Report, however many threats

Congress and EPA proposing rollbacks on air quality protection.

Georgia’s largest solar array is providing clean renewable electricity to homes in the Hawkinsville area.

The Clean Air Act is credited with healthier air seen in the 2017 State of the Air (SOTA) report released by

Mothers and Others addresses the importance of the Clean Air Act in continuing to monitor air quality in the State of Georgia

Mothers and Others promotes the importance of the Clean Air Act in improving and protecting air quality in the State of Georgia,

M&O attracted media hits across Georgia and North Carolina by pushing out the State of the Air report.

The American Lung Association’s 2017 “State of the Air” report shows Georgia has improved on the three most common forms of hazardous

Mothers and Others Board Chair Laura Turner Seydel addressed health and climate leaders from around the globe during a one day summit

After participating in a training session for Morehouse School of Medicine students, Mothers and Others Board Member Anne Mellinger-Birdsong joined partner organizations

In February, Mothers and Others held two advocacy trainings for pediatric residents at Morehouse School of Medicine. M&O Board Members Fatimot

Mothers and Others is delighted to welcome two new Project Managers: Deborah Bryan (North Carolina) and Katherine Cummings (Georgia).

Clean air is a passion for Mothers & Others volunteer Dr. Jennifer Caicedo, a pediatric allergist and immunologist in Charlotte. She is

October is National Energy Awareness Month. Improvements in energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources will reduce dangerous air pollution and

Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong, pediatrician and M&O Board Member was quoted at the release of “A Health Professionals’ Declaration on Climate Change,” calling

I have seen family members struggle to draw a breath, and just watching is painful. The incidence of respiratory illness is rising.

M&O is honored to have The Emory School of Nursing represented on our Partnership Council. With the recent announcement of funding to

Atlanta made the list of top cities with the most to gain from reducing ozone and particle pollution to these levels, according

This 30-minute video is designed to raise awareness among health professionals of the impacts of climate change on children’s health and to

Dr. Jennifer Caicedo, vice president of the N.C. Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Society and a M&O supporter, calls on Congress to

A new federal program is aimed at making clean energy more accessible to American households. It helps provide every American community the

How asthma-friendly is your school? Accounting for more than 10 million lost school days every year, asthma is one of the main

Public health and medical professionals in the South are joining others across the nation in the endorsing the American Lung Association's Health

Sustainable Sandhills, a nonprofit operating in the Sandhills region of North Carolina, recently recognized Mothers & Others for Clean Air at their

Ozone season has begun and many cities in the Southeast are suffering. What’s behind the recent, dramatic increase in “code orange” air

Have you ever wondered about the air quality at your child’s school or favorite park? The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has a

Even though Georgia eliminated the EV tax credit in 2015, the $7500 federal is still available and most car manufacturers offer eligible

North Carolina citizens gathered in Raleigh at the state's Museum of Natural History on April 7 to better understand the health benefits

On Saturday, April 30th we held our inaugural Let’s Go Fly a Kite event at Park Tavern in Piedmont Park. Families from

The American Lung Association’s 2016 “State of the Air” report found metro Atlanta to have the cleanest air since the annual report

North Carolina is talking about its air. Across the state media outlets are reporting on the American Lung Association's 2016 State of

M&O co-founder Laura Turner Seydel was one of four mom activists featured in the panel discussion "Moms Making a Difference" at the

We met Troup County Commissioner Buck Davis at the Georgia Public Health Association conference in Atlanta on March 22, 2016. In this

Mothers & Others for Clean Air co-founders Laura Turner Seydel and Stephanie Blank were featured on 11Alive's Atlanta & Company on April

Leading climate scientist Dr. Katherine Hayhoe and M&O Project Manager Alison Jones co-authored this op-ed about the health threats linked to dirty

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Gina McCarthy, joined moms in Atlanta to talk about air pollution and ways we can work

Harold P. Wimmer, National President and CEO of the American Lung Association, welcomes the announcement by President Barack Obama and Canadian

Join us on Thursday, April 7, 2016 in Raleigh for a free luncheon and discussion on the health benefits of clean renewable

Kim is a new mother and registered nurse who works with lung patients. She explains, "I want my son to be healthy,

As a pediatrician, I see and treat children of all ages and with very different backgrounds daily. Whether they are premature or

In spite of the Supreme Court's temporary stay of the Clean Power Plan, Mothers & Others for Clean Air will continue to

Four groups—Mothers and Others for Clean Air, Moms Clean Air Force NC, Medical Advocates for Healthy Air, and Clean Air Carolina— have

Join Mother & Others for Clean Air on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at Atlanta’s Piedmont Park for the family-friendly event “Let’s Go

M&O is honored to be a part of the Morehouse School of Medicine’s Pediatric Residency Advocacy Rotation again this year. Through this

A widely published letter to the editor from North Carolina Project Manager explains M&O's response to the recent Supreme Court stay on

I'm a certified lactation counselor and frequently work with babies who are born preterm. The lungs are one of the last organs

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is pleased to announce that NC Child has joined our Partnership Council. NC Child works to

The U.S. Clean Power Plan (CPP) and the Paris Climate Agreement were important steps in protecting public health from the risks of

M&O Field Organizer Hilary Merlin has been appointed Interim Project Director. Since May 2014, Hilary has grown M&O’s network of clean air

At a Department of Environmental Quality hearing in Raleigh last month, M&O Project Manager Alison Jones called for more public health protections:

My nightmare with respiratory issues began with my eldest son. He struggled with asthma and other respiratory issues every time he played

I didn’t realize I had a problem breathing until I was on a hike in North Georgia and had trouble keeping up

The Presidential Task Force on Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children is recognizing three of M&O's initiatives as compelling policy actions

The new standard of 70 parts per billion (ppb) is still not strong enough, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Critics of the CPP mistakenly argue that the federal government is overreaching. But in reality, the CPP offers a flexible framework that

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is excited to welcome Dr. J. Jason West to M&O's Partnership Council. Dr. West researches climate

Trained in preventive medicine, public health, and internal medicine, Dr. Ayanna V. Buckner has extensive experience in community-based health education, outreach, and

When I was a child, I was diagnosed with asthma. Anyone who has had severe asthma knows how horrible it is to

Medical doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and public health professionals speak up in support for the Clean Power Plan as a vital tool

Clean air is the fuel that I need to make my bicycling possible. As I grow older, if the air quality here

On behalf of the more than 60,000 adults and children with asthma in DeKalb County, including my own 70-year-old mother, I urge

The N.C. Pediatric Society is the state affiliate of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The N.C. Pediatric Society, which was formed

If history is our guide, then we know that under the Clean Air Act, deadly pollution has been cut while the economy

The Clean Power Plan marks a critical step forward in protecting Americans’ health from the burden of power plant pollution and the

Media: M&O Supporter & Family Stand with President Obama in his Announcement of the Clean Power Plan
Watch as M&O supporter Laura Kellogg and her family stand with President Obama as he announced his new power plant regulations.

Co-written by Maeve Howett, Health Policy Chair, Georgia Chapter, NAPNAP and M&O director who say "The debate is over about whether or

“We are extremely proud of Laura as she stands up for her family and for many families across the nation making known

Susan Berryman Rodriguez, Project Director, Mothers & Others for Clean Air, a program of the American Lung Association of the Southeast, issued

The Kelloggs have 3 kids with asthma who constantly struggled to breathe despite excellent medical care. They relocated from a very polluted

Dr. David Fitzhugh, president of the N.C. Society of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology sees the effects of pollution on asthmatics everyday in

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is pleased to announce that the Durham Academy of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, led by Dr.

This LTE was published in response to our two op-eds on the importance of strengthening the ozone stardnard. "One thing’s for sure.

M&O is pleased to welcome the North Carolina Community Health Center Association (NCCHCA) to the Partnership Council. NCCHCA operates 177 clinical

In an effort to build support for a more protective ozone standard, we worked with one of our prominent supporters, Dr. LeRoy

Crystal Garrett, a volunteer with Mothers & Others for Clean Air, participated in the first White House summit on climate change

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is pleased to announce that Stefanie Ebelt Sarnat, Associate Professor, Environmental Health at Emory University joined

We invite you to join Mothers & Others for Clean Air in promoting a Thunderclap in support of healthy air, organized by

When Laura Kellogg's three children couldn't breathe well in her home state of Massachusetts because their asthma was out of control, she

Donielle has been helping with M&O's efforts to engage health professionals as advocates for climate change and air pollution mitigation. While attending

M&O Project Director Susan Berryman Rodriguez and M&O supporter Vicki Carew talk about the important role that mothers play in protecting children's

The present national standard for ozone pollution is woefully out of date and does not protect the health of those who need

Climate change is making it even harder for us to clean up our air. That’s because warmer temperatures enhance ozone formation. We

"Cumberland County can certainly be proud of the progress we've made, but there's still work to be done to make our air

North Carolina's M&O Project Manager speaks out in the Fayetteville Observer. "To continue to reap the benefits of our hard-earned progress, we

“Individuals can contribute to improving air quality by driving less and cutting electrical consumption, particularly on hot days when ozone is more

My hope is that we can educate persons about the consequences of air pollution and the drastic effect it can have on

In a webinar hosted by North Carolina's PTA "Clean Air: Practical Ideas to Help Kids Breathe Easier," Hilary Merlin, M&O's field organizer

I have noticed how prevalent lung disease is especially among the young and underserved populations in this city. As a resident doctor

M&O seeks volunteers to participate in our 24-Hour Rapid Response Team. These team members will agree to advocate on behalf of

It’s official! President Obama has proclaimed April 6-12 as National Public Health Week and he issued a proclamation that highlighted climate

M&O shares in the disappointment with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), and others in

We are excited to share the good news! M&O has hired a new part-time project manager for North Carolina.
Welcome Alison Lawrence Jones!

M&O Project Director Susan Berryman-Rodriguez makes the case for saving Georgia's electric vehicle tax credit in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. More EVs on

Clean air is important to me because we need clean air to live and help prevent health risks. Too many people have

We have less than a month to show support from the medical community for a more protective ozone standard. Can

Encouraging the use of more electric vehicles is essential to reducing harmful transportation-related pollution. A new study in the American Thoracic Society

I am a pediatric resident who first got introduced to M&O through my advocacy rotation. I went into medicine to take care

The new and engaging video connects the dots linking carbon pollution, climate change and human health, and further underscores the need to

Help us grow! We are hiring a part-time project manager based in North Carolina who can help us expand into a

As one of only a handful of public health organizations working on air quality issues and children’s health in Georgia, M&O is

I was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and raised in Columbia, South Carolina, and I recently relocated to Atlanta, Georgia.

Ground-level ozone is a dangerous air pollutant impacting millions of Americans every year. Send a letter to EPA urging them to protect

Happy New Year! We are excited to announce our newest M&O Partnership Council members. We are striving to build a unique partnership

"Climate change will, absent other changes, amplify some of the existing health threats the nation now faces, said Dr. George Luber, director

What's your New Year's resolution? Make new friends or volunteer more for a great cause? Then get started and join M&O for

We are so lucky! Gigi brings a combination of enthusiasm, experience, and education in working with Mothers & Others for Clean Air.

For far too long, millions of Americans have been living with a weak and outdated standard. In a new nationwide, bipartisan survey

Thousands of peer-reviewed medical studies show that breathing ozone pollution is dangerous to human health. The EPA review shows harm is occurring

When the smog level is over the EPA’s limit, we get an air quality alert, and people like me with lung disease

Growing up in Metropolitan Atlanta, the air quality reports and indices were integral to my daily life, especially during the summer. My

Since I work for the Weather Channel here in Atlanta, it made sense to find a volunteer opportunity that fit in with

In 2004 Laura Seydel and Stephanie Blank, two moms concerned about the air their children were breathing, joined forces to do something

Do you know that nearly half of Americans still live in counties where ozone or particle pollution makes the air unhealthy to

M&O's Enlightenment Luncheon was a hit with the guests. These are just a few of the comments we received: "The speakers

Check out this awesome interview on The Weather Channel featuring M&O's co-founder Laura Seydel and M&O supporters Michelle and Mikayla Wiseman focusing

Check out this new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that states health is inextricably linked to climate

Listen to M&O's Project Director on the Georgia News Network talking about fighting air pollution and its upcoming event on climate change

Calling all health and medical professionals! Help protect your patients and communities from harmful emissions from coal-fire power plants. Speak out

Weather Channel anchor Sam Champion will emcee an upcoming luncheon concerning climate change.The event is being spearheaded by philanthropists Laura Turner Seydel,

As co-founder and chair of Mothers & Others for Clean Air, I work to raise awareness of the undeniable connection between asthma

A new study finds that North Carolina's Clean Smokestacks Act, in conjunction with federal legislation, has
substantially reduced coal-fired power plant emissions

Hope you'll join us on October 3, 2014, at the St. Regis to explore the health effects on children from a changing

The deadline to submit your comments on The Clean Power Plan has been extended to December 1, 2014. Cleaning up carbon pollution

"The impact of climate change from carbon pollution isn’t a political issue, it’s a scientific fact. When medical science tells us, as

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is pleased to welcome two new members to our Leadership Board: Anne Blair and Fatimot Ladipo.

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is delighted to announce our collaboration with The Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Michelle Wiseman, the parent of a child with asthma and a M&O supporter, wrote to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution expressing her support for

M&O Board Chair Laura Seydel and other Georgia leaders spoke out in support of EPA's Clean Power Plan at a public hearing

A volunteer for Mothers & Others for Clean Air, Lisa Rayner, moved the audience by sharing a devastating experience mothers have to

Mothers & Others supporter Dr. Jalal Zuberi (pictured) and Leadership Board member Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong authored this opinion, published in the Macon

Mothers & Others for Clean Air is pleased to announce our new partnership with The Asthma Alliance of North Carolina (AANC). The

"We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that’s not irrevocably polluted or damaged. In the past three decades,

We are pleased to announce that Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, a leading international expert in the area of weather, climate, and atmospheric

The new first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants , announced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA),

"I think every child has the right to play outdoors and breathe clean air," say Hilary Merlin, field organizer with M&O, and

Laura Kellogg, a mother of three children all born with asthma, fights for clean air in her North Carolina community. Learn more

Climate change will amplify some of the existing health threats especially in vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, the sick, the poor,

In 2004 Laura Turner Seydel and Stephanie Blank, two well-known Atlanta moms concerned about the air their children and others were breathing,

“From our first ‘State of the Air’ report to this most recent one, we have seen that the Clean Air Act delivers

"The air in Forsyth County is cleaner than when we started the State of the Air report 15 years ago," said Susan

Metro Charlotte has for the first time dropped off the American Lung Association’s annual list of smoggiest U.S cities.
Charlotte’s been a regular

In case you missed it, listen to ALA hosted town-hall meeting with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and HHS Assistant Secretary for Health,

Celebrate National Public Health Week by joining, “Chronic Disease, Air Pollution & Public Health: Risk, Prevention, & Preparedness” – a tele-townhall discussion

Break the Cycle hosted by M&O Partner PESHU at Emory feturing exciting projects and research from home and around the world on

Protect our kids and communities from power plants. EPA has proposed new standards that will, for the first time, establish federal limits

We can all breathe easier thanks to new life-saving cleaner gasoline and vehicle standards. M&O applauds the Obama Administration for issuing

This traffic pollution burden will get lighter soon thanks to new air quality safeguards the EPA just adopted. The president and EPA

Cleaner air is on the way. The president and EPA deserve our praise for taking this necessary action to safeguard public health

We have a moral imperative to protect our children from harm. Now that the World Health Organization recently classified outdoor air pollution

M&O welcomes it’s newest partner Medical Advocates for Healthy Air. MAHA is a statewide network of medical and health professionals leading

American Lung Association “State of the Air 2013” report finds air quality improves nationwide despite more spikes in unhealthy air days. Read

Please ask your doctor, pediatrician, or school nurse to take a few seconds to join hundreds of healthcare professionals from across the

HB 874 is a win-win for Georgians. This bill is a step towards increasing clean renewable energy choices and away from harmful

Ask your U.S. House Representative to sign-on to Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s letter to EPA supporting cleaner gasoline and vehicles. According to the