Why Do Doctors Want Electric Cars?

Dr. Neelu Tummala wrote an editorial in The Hill about healthier air, and why doctors are advocating for electric vehicles. She says: “while politics may not belong in the exam room, policy that impacts health does.” She notes that she and thousands of health care professionals know how much healthier patients will be if the air is cleaner and healthier.

Why electric vehicles? Why do healthcare professionals care about EVs? Dr. Tummala states that transportation is responsible for 55% of nitrogen oxide air pollution (NOx), and up to 10% of particulate air pollution (PM). Remember that a recent study found that 1.6% of all deaths in the U.S. are caused by NOx.

In addition, Dr. Tummala provides a lot of facts about fine and ultrafine particulate air pollution. PM causes airway irritation and inflammation which affects breathing, asthma, increases people’s risk for pneumonia and viral infections, and risk for lung cancer. But PM doesn’t just affect the lungs, it can be absorbed and go everywhere in the body. PM affects high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. It also affects cognitive function, which is especially concerning for children, and elderly people who could develop dementia.

She also tells us it’s not just air pollution, but also emissions that affect climate change. And she adds it’s not just cars, but that cities and towns need to be less dependent on cars with more public transit and safer walking and bike lanes.

Read Dr. Tummala’s editorial in The Hill here.

Remember that “Healthy Air is Health Care!”
