Methane Emissions Higher than Previously Thought

A new study in the journal Nature shows that methane emissions from fossil fuel production are higher than scientists previously thought. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas.

The New York Times reported about the study, which compares historical methane in ice cores from Greenland, and current data from Antarctica. They were able to tell the difference between methane from fossil fuel production and natural methane from the sea floor or volcanoes, by looking at different isotopes of carbon. Carbon isotopes are atoms that have a slightly different number of neutrons, but are all carbon atoms.

The study shows that right now, the atmosphere contains a higher amount of methane from fossil fuel sources than previously thought.

It means we need to do better monitoring and capturing methane releases from fossil fuel production.

It means we have even more reason to switch to clean energy such as solar and wind, and to reduce our energy use as much as possible. Any energy not used means less pollution in the air right away.

New York Times article about the study:

Scientific Study in the journal Nature:
