Blog Series about Electric Vehicles

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has started a blog series about what it’s like to own an EV. Starting off, they talk about charging an EV.

When you charge, you just plug it in, do something else for several hours (or do it at night while you’re sleeping), then unplug it. It takes about 10 seconds to plug it in, and another 10 seconds to unplug it. Much faster than finding a gas station and waiting for the tank to fill! Many people who own EVs have a charge station at home, so they can charge it every night or two or whatever meets their needs. People in apartments can charge at work, or at a grocery store while shopping, etc. There are several apps for smartphones that tell you where local chargers are and if the charger is free or not.

The electricity for an EV is cheaper than the gas for a conventional car. Plus EVs don’t require oil changes, and because they don’t have transmissions or radiators there are fewer things to break or wear out and less overall maintenance. They’re so convenient and less expensive to maintain!