Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure May Cause Brain Changes in Children

A new study in Spain has linked prenatal exposure to air pollution with brain changes in 8-12 year old children: a smaller corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a part of the brain that connects the two sides of the brain.

The children were part of the BREATHE study in Barcelona (Brain Development and Air Pollution Ultrafine Particles in School Children). They had MRIs when they were 8-12 years old. Researchers calculated air pollution exposure based on their mothers address when pregnant and data from air pollution monitors.

For every 7mcg/m3 increase in fine particulate air pollution, the corpus callosum had a 5% decrease in volume.  A smaller corpus callosum has also been found in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD, though it can also be found in other situations.

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