Growing Your Own Food Can Help With Stress and Provide Fresh Food

An article in Fast Company talks about growing your own food during the COVID-19 emergency. Growing your own food during the pandemic can help in many ways: you don’t have to go to the store, it reduces carbon emissions (it gets rid of shipping food from states far away), it can help children explore, learn and experience the world, and it can help reduce stress for both adults and children. There are so many benefits, it’s really worth considering. And maybe after the pandemic, you will still want to grow some of your own food, it helps reduce air pollution and fights climate change.

Whether you plant one or two things in a pot (you can do this on an apartment balcony or near a window), or have a garden plot in your yard, any amount you grow can be worthwhile. This article has a lot of step-by-step advice of how to choose a location, amend the soil, and choosing seeds vs. transplants. It’s a lot of helpful tips and advice. Note that in most of the southeast, we are out of cold season and it’s time for planting summer vegetables and fruits.

One good tip from the article: to help keeps children’s enthusiasm up, plant something that matures fast, like radishes or cherry tomatoes.