Helping Kids and Teens Deal with Grief

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has a good post on their Strong4Life site. It’s about COVID, children, and grief.

It talks about how children and teens may be experiencing grief because of COVID, from the many things we have lost during this crisis: normalcy, routines, in-person relationships, jobs, and some have had family members die from the virus. It describes the different ways different age children may express grief, and how variable the time could be for different children to experience grief.

Then the Strong4Life site discusses open ended ways to talk to kids about grief, and has a lot of good strategies for coping with grief – practical things that can help both you and your child.

Finally it ends with accepting grief and moving forward, acknowledging that it, allowing them to be seen and heard, and that it can’t be rushed and we just have to go through the process.

It’s a very helpful post: Helping Kids and Teens Deal with Grief