Do Your Part For Clean Air by Asking for Strong Truck Standards!

During Clean Air Month, you can do your part for cleaner air by asking EPA to make strong truck and heavy duty vehicle standards! Comment on the EPA proposed rule here.

Strong truck emission standards will do a lot for our health and fight climate change!

Trucks and heavy-duty vehicles create lots of health-damaging air pollution: nitrogen oxides (NOx), particle pollution, and the NOx they make also get turned into ozone during the warm months of the year. Nitrogen oxides cause death, lung disease, trigger asthma attacks, affect people with heart disease, and damage children’s lung growth. Read more about nitrogen oxides here.

Particle pollution is very dangerous to our health, affecting people from before we are born until we are old. It causes lung damage, heart disease, strokes, dementia, low birth weight, and affects our ability to think. Read more about particle pollution here.

Ozone is made new each day when other pollution combines with oxygen in the presence of heat and sunlight. Ozone causes asthma, asthma attacks, can affect heart disease, and long term higher levels of ozone is as bad for people with emphysema as smoking a pack a day of cigarettes. Read more about ozone here.

Learn more about the proposed truck standards by reading Dr. Anne’s comments at the EPA hearing here.

All of this air pollution can be reduced if we have strong truck emission standards!

EPA has been setting standards for emissions for decades, because of the Clean Air Act. They are required by law to consider every comment submitted from every person. It is where you can truly make a difference!

This is the actual URL to submit comments on long-haul trucks.
