Air Pollution Kills Almost Half a Million Infants Worldwide Each Year

A new report on the State of Global Air from the Global Burden of Disease is out. It has determined that air pollution kills almost half a million (476,000) infants in the world each year. The number of infant deaths that can be attributed to air pollution are as much as 20% of all infant mortality in the first month of life.

The report looked at air pollution levels around the world, and studies of air pollution’s effects causing preterm birth and and low birthweight, as well as lower respiratory tract infections (pneumonia and bronchitis).

The report also found that air pollution is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide for all ages, exceeded only by high blood pressure, tobacco, and poor diet.

Remember that in the U.S., there are significant disparities in air pollution exposure between communities of color and white communities. This is due to our country’s environmental racism which led to factories, refineries, power plants, and highways being located in or near communities of color.

If we take action and switch to clean renewable energy and transportation, we will have such a win-win-win situation: less air pollution, fewer infants dying, reduced health disparities, and we will be fighting climate change. We have tools and technology to do what we need, that we can put into action now. We can do it!

Read the report on the State of Global Air here.