EPA Data Show Proposed Loophole Could Increase Air Toxics by 49 million pounds

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has a new blog about an EPA proposed rule revision (loophole) to the Mercury and Air Toxics Rule, which was accepting public comments last summer and fall. Air toxics are chemicals emitted into the air, such as benzene or toluene that can seriously affect health.

EPA’s own data show that the proposed rule change could allow over 2500 facilities could release up to 49 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air. They have a very good map on their blog that shows which cities could see large increases in toxic air pollution.

There are several cities or areas in the southeast that could see very large increases in air toxics, including Greenville/Spartanburg, Atlanta, Greensboro, western NC, and Nashville.

Public comment on the proposed revision closed last fall, but EPA has not yet issued the final rule. EDF and several other groups submitted detailed scientific comments about the rule. The proposed revision would allow facilities now classified as large or major sources of emissions to reclassify themselves as small facilities and escape regulation.


Mothers and Others for Clean Air is in contact with EDF to obtain a list of facilities in the southeast, particularly the 4 areas with very large increases.

We need cleaner air, not dirtier air. EPA, do your job! No one wants to breathe poison!

Please contact your local officials about this and let them know that your area could soon have dirtier air, if EPA allows facilities to escape regulation and release toxic chemicals into the air.