COVID and Clean Air: an opportunity

Phil Landrigan, Ari Bernstein, and Agnes Binagwaho wrote an article in Lancet Planetary Health about the opportunity for radical change that the terrible pandemic of COVID-19 has created.

In the article, they note how the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the inequities in every country, and caused disproportionate damage to lower wealth people, Blacks, Indigenous, and people of color, and created economic havoc we haven’t seen since the Great Depression.

They highlight how in the middle of the pandemic, two major events happened that show the possibility of great change: the accelerated rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, and the global reduction in air pollution. They note that air pollution is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide, from heart disease, COPD, stroke, cancer, diabetes, pneumonia, and premature births.

They comment that if governments choose wisely and direct COVID-19 recovery funds to wind and solar and away from fossil fuels, we could see the transition to clean energy happen more quickly than expected. Already, spending on renewable energy could overtake spending on oil and gas exploration. Spending on renewable energy will enhance health, prevent deaths, and boost the economy.

The authors list 5 key actions we need to take: 1. Sharply increase investment in renewable energy. 2. Redesign cities to prioritize people over motorized vehicles. 3. Prevent further growth of natural gas infrastructure. 4. Invest in communities where fossil fuel extraction has been core to the culture and the economy. 5. End subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuels.

The article has more details about all of the health, economic, and social ramifications of COVID-19, air pollution, and the key actions. Read the article in the Lancet Planetary Health here.
