Cardiologists: Urgent Action Needed On Air Pollution

Air Quality News reports that four major cardiology associations have issued a joint statement that says the world needs urgent action to reduce air pollution, because of the impact of air pollution on people’s health. The cardiology associations are the World Heart Federation, the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology. We think this is an important statement and ask you to read about it.

The statement says that worldwide, air pollution causes 12% (1 in 8) of all deaths, and that half the deaths caused by air pollution are due to heart diseases. The statement also notes that globally, air pollution reduces life expectancy by 20 months, which is almost as much as tobacco use which reduces life expectancy by 22 months.

Air pollution also increases the risk of stroke, diabetes, and lung diseases, as well as lung and other cancers.

The statement has plans for what the cardiology organizations plans to do, and urges health care providers to advocate for air pollution reduction and advise patients how to lower their exposure.

For more details, read the Air Quality News article here.

Read the statement by the cardiology associations here.
