Talking to Children About Coronavirus When So Much is Unknown

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has a good post on their Strong 4 Life website about talking to children about coronavirus.

It’s good to acknowledge this is new, different, and may feel overwhelming. There are so many unknowns. Even so, it’s good to talk to them. Ask them what they know, what they’ve heard. If they’re older, they may have heard rumors or untrue things – correct any rumors, and tell them true information. And let them know it’s ok to not know everything.

Acknowledge that it’s scary, or any other feelings. Acknowledge that they miss their teachers and friends from school. Don’t minimize worries or fears, but talk about it.

Give them reassurance that scientists and experts are working on medicines and vaccines, and that this crisis will not last forever.

Give them agency – things they can do themselves. They can wash their hands, they can maintain habits that will keep them healthy, and they can help maintain the daily routine.

And plan fun things to do together – read a book together, listen to music or sing together, playing a family game, anything your family enjoys doing together.

There are a lot of good ideas on their website, we just summarized a few, so please visit their website for more information and details: