True Climate Leadership: U.S. Must Do Its Fair Share

Mothers & Others For Clean Air is one of over a hundred organizations calling for the incoming Biden-Harris administration to live up to campaign promises, and take bold climate action to be sure the U.S. does its fair share of climate action, including bold action at home for communities of color, and supporting a just response globally. The organizations on the letter represent millions of people across the United States.

The letter states that we are in a climate emergency that is wreaking havoc, and that the organizations demand a climate just future, including youth, women, low-income communities, racially diverse communities, faith communities, and more.

In addition to rejoining the Paris Agreement, the letter calls for the U.S. to commit to honor the U.S. Fair Share. The U.S. has contributed more to climate change than any other country in the world, and much of our wealth has come from activities that contribute to climate change. And even within our own country, much of the impacts of extraction and pollution are concentrated in low-income, Black, Latin-X, and indigenous communities. The U.S. must act like a climate leader at home and internationally.

The letter calls for a 195% reduction of greenhouse gases below 2005 levels by 2030 with two immediate actions: 1. cut domestic greenhouse gases by 70% below 2005 levels by 2030, and 2. directly support developing countries to achieve the remaining 125% of the reduction in greenhouse gases.

Read the full document and see all the signing organizations here.
