Voting in Virginia
Are You Registered to Vote?
Deadline to Register: Tuesday October 13th, 2020
In Virginia you can register to vote online, by mail, or in person.
Are You Registered at Your Current Address?
Deadline to Check Voter Registration Status: Tuesday October 13th, 2020
Check your voter registration status here.
What is Your Voting Action Plan?
Vote in Person: If you vote in-person on Election Day, vote first thing in the morning. For all your voting questions, we recommend checking out https://wecanvote.us/virginia/ for non-partisan help voting in Virginia.
Vote by Mail:
Due to COVID-19, everyone in Virginia is eligible to request an absentee ballot.
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot: Request must be received by Friday October 23rd, 2020. Request your absentee ballot here.
Make Sure your Absentee Ballot is Counted: After receiving your ballot, it is important to return it as soon as possible – and ideally before Thursday October 15th, 2020 to make sure it is counted.
Return Deadline: The ballot must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020.
Do you Know Where Your Candidates Stand on Energy and Climate Issues?
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has launched a series of blogs examining where various Southeastern candidates for state and federal offices stand on key energy and climate issues impacting our region.