Voting in South Carolina

Are You Registered to Vote?
In South Carolina you can register to vote online, by mail, or in person.
Deadline to Register:
In person: Friday October 2nd, 2020.
By mail: Postmarked by Monday October 5th, 2020.
Online: Sunday October 4th, 2020.
Are You Registered at Your Current Address?
Deadline to Check Voter Registration Status: Sunday October 4th, 2020
Check your voter registration status here.
What is Your Voting Action Plan?
Vote in Person: If you vote in-person on Election Day, vote first thing in the morning. For all your voting questions, we recommend checking out for non-partisan help voting in South Carolina.
Vote by Mail:
In South Carolina you need a specific qualification to apply for an absentee ballot. You can check the qualifications here. Concerns over COVID-19 are not a qualified reason to receive an absentee ballot in South Carolina. If you do have a qualified reason to vote contact fill out the absentee ballot application.
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot: Request must be received by Saturday October 24th, 2020. Request your absentee ballot here.
Make Sure your Absentee Ballot is Counted: After receiving your ballot, it is important to return it as soon as possible – and ideally before Thursday October 15th, 2020 to make sure it is counted.
Return Deadline: The ballot must be received by your local elections office by Tuesday November 3rd, 2020.
Do You Know Where Your Candidates Stand on Energy and Climate Issues?
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has launched a series of blogs examining where various Southeastern candidates for state and federal offices stand on key energy and climate issues impacting our region.