Particulate Air Pollution Linked to Excess Deaths

A recent study of veterans and fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) found excess deaths from air pollution for 9 causes:

Cardiovascular (heart diseases), cerebrovascular (strokes), chronic kidney disease, COPD (emphysema), dementia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), lung cancer, and pneumonia.

The study found higher death rates from PM2.5 among blacks compared to whites or Hispanics (55.2/100,000 compared to 51.5 or 48.9), and much higher death rates in counties with high socioeconomic deprivation compared to counties with low socioeconomic deprivation (65.3/100,00 compared to 46.1).

Also very important, the study found that 99% of the burden of deaths were associated with PM2.5 levels below current EPA standards.

We need stronger standards for PM2.5, for health, for life, for equity and justice.