Mothers and Others for Clean Air seeks to both educate and activate health professionals on climate change and air quality, and the resulting impact on their patients. In February, Mothers and Others held two advocacy trainings for pediatric residents at Morehouse School of Medicine. Morehouse includes advocacy training as part of their physician training under the direction of Megan Douglas, JD, Morehouse School of Medicine. M&O Board Members Fatimot Lapido and Anne Mellinger-Birdsong, provided instruction.
Fatimot, who works at Kennesaw State University as a lobbyist, explained the steps legislation takes in the Georgia General Assembly and how to advocate for clean air with Georgia’s elected officials. Anne, a physician advocate for clean air, discussed the impact that air pollution and climate change has on children’s health. Additional instruction was provided by June Deen, Sr. VP of Public Policy & Health Promotions for the Lung

Association in the Southeast, on climate change and ways to reduce contributors, and media advocacy. Katherine Cummings, Mother and Others new Georgia Project Manager, discussed effective ways to share stories with decision makers who can impact air quality. Want more information about this training? Contact Katherine Cummings at M&O welcomes opportunities to be part of these training.