On Saturday, April 30th we held our inaugural Let’s Go Fly a Kite event at Park Tavern in Piedmont Park. Families from all over the metro area joined us for kite decorating, kite flying and picnicking. The event was held to highlight the importance of clean air for children’s health as well as to kick off Asthma Awareness Month. Mothers & Others for Clean Air envisions a time when poor air quality won’t be a barrier to children participating in active play and enjoying time outdoors.
Let’s Go Fly a Kite was hosted by M&O Leadership Board Members Laura Turner Seydel, Stephanie Blank and Lisa Rayner. The host committee included Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, Ginny Brewer, Ryan and Kysha Cameron, June Deen, Dr. Frances Dunston, Kim Lister, Beth Pann, Angela Smith, Cathleen Smith, Kelly Willett. The event was catered by Park Tavern and DJ Dano provided the sound system and music. Many volunteers contributed to this event, including a handful of Boy Scouts who shared their kite-flying expertise.

All children are at greater risk of harm from ozone and particle pollution and constitute a “sensitive group” for air quality monitoring purposes. All parents—and especially parents of children with asthma—should monitor the air quality index daily. On orange alert days (or worse), parents should ensure that children either play outside when pollution levels are lower (like in the early morning) or take care to not overexert themselves.
Thank you to all who made this event a success. If you missed it this year, we welcome you to join us in May 2017 for the second annual Let’s Go Fly a Kite.