Today the EPA finalized the Affordable Clean Energy Rule, which replaces the Clean Power Plan (CNBC: EPA finalizes replacement of Clean Power Plan). EPA’s own Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) showed that the new plan would allow far more emissions, will cause 470-1400 more deaths, 48,000 asthma exacerbations, and 21,000 missed schools days (Columbia University: affordable clean energy rule). EPA’s Regulatory Impact Assessment also found that the new “Affordable Clean Energy” plan will result in billions of dollars of increased costs due to loss of health benefits (see the Columbia University link). The administration is trying to bolster coal as an energy source, which is declining due to market forces not regulations. (NPR: administration weakens climate plan).
In short, the new “clean” plan will cause more deaths, more illness, more missed school days, and result in billions of dollars more in costs. We will all be paying for this new plan, with our health and well-being.