Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen, has an ambitious goal to become carbon neutral by 2025. Here’s an article about how they’re planning to do it.
Some of the things discussed include: new and retrofitted buildings for energy efficiency, wind turbines, electric buses, considering making public transport free to encourage people to use it, the “5-minute city” (having everything you need within a 5 minute walk or bike trip), and more. Many of these things could be adopted by any county or city, such as electrifying bus fleets and lowering the cost of transit. (We should note, counting wood pellets as carbon neutral is a stretch, not all scientists agree that it’s carbon neutral.)
Please share these ideas with your city or county leaders. Many of these ideas can be implemented anywhere quickly, and we could all reduce our carbon footprint. We may not all be carbon neutral, but we can quickly make a big dent in what we are doing.