Climate Change is Affecting Our Mental Health

The Guardian has an article about climate change and mental health. News of climate related impacts, and news about climate change, is giving rise to anxiety and depression in people of many ages. Psychologists have noticed more climate scientists coming to them for help. People who have been impacted by climate fueled disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires are experiencing post traumatic stress. People who live in places where the effects of climate change are being felt already are experiencing anxiety and stress. Young people who learn about climate in school, children as young as 6 years old, are asking questions and feeling anxious.

But the solution to both is to tackle climate change – working on reducing the impacts of climate also helps reduce the stress. It’s good to post what you are doing to fight climate, it helps you and other people: we see that there are solutions, and that people are taking action. There are solutions, and we can all take action – individually, at city and county governments, state governments, and the federal level. #ActOnClimate