Why A Clean Energy Standard Is Good For Health

Dr. Sarah Spengeman and Dr. Neela Tummala write about a Clean Electricity Standard in The Hill, and why it’s good for health. They note that wildfires in the west that are intensified by climate change are causing air pollution alerts in the east – air pollution that can be deadly.

A Clean Electricity Standard would require 80% clean energy by 2030, which would provide major health benefits and jobs all over the country.

Then they discuss the health problems caused by air pollution from fossil fuels, including asthma attacks, heart attacks, strokes, cognitive problems, and adverse birth outcomes. Burning fuel for energy is really damaging to heatlh.

They describe a new study from Harvard and Syracuse that found that a Clean Electricity Standard of 80% clean energy by 2030 would save 50,000 lives, prevent 12 million asthma attacks, and have $1.1 trillion in health benefits. (editorial note: the Harvard/Syracuse study is an underestimate because it didn’t include some known but harder to quantify health problems caused by air pollution, such as developing asthma, children and teens’ damaged lung growth, autism, dementia, diabetes, and more.)

They also write about how reducing pollution with a Clean Electricity Standard is fundamental to racial and environmental justice, because so many power plants were intentionally built in communities of color. Black communities and communities of color have more exposure to air pollution of all kinds including from power plants, and also suffer most from climate change. A Clean Electricity Standard would help communities that suffer disproportionately from the environmental racism our country has created.

They also note that some of the budget proposals include weatherization programs for homes, which will have multiple benefits: reduced energy use, reduced pollution, help families save energy and reduce their energy burden, and help keep them cool or warm during extreme weather. Insulated homes might have saved lives during the freeze in Texas this winder.

Please read the entire article, it is very good. This blog is just a brief summary.
